Play Hatchery

While in Australia, Alister was part of an emerging artist program at the Street Theatre and was mentored by leading Australian dramaturge Peter Matheson. Peter’s philosophy was simple; he had acquired decades if experience working with playwrights and new plays and generously offer to pass on that knowledge to anyone who wanted it. On returning to NZ, Alister wanted to pay it forward, and started a Play Hatchery in Nelson. Many talented and willing actors offered their time and energies every month to read new works aloud for the playwright and a growing community of people wanting to experience and give feedback to the writers. Duck Bunny has been privileged to work with a number of playwrights at different stages of their journeys bringing new plays and musicals to the stage.

We partnered with the amazing team at The Ghostlight Theatre in Nelson and in 2019 were also supported by a local Creative Communities Grant